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Costa MB2 Metal De-Burring Machine

  • Costa MB2 Metal Parts De-Buurring Machine Costa MB2 Metal Parts De-Buurring Machine DetailCosta MB2 Metal De-Burring Machine

    Costa MB2 Metal De-Burring Machine Costa-MB2

    The MB2 is equipped with bottom and top XVS multifunction brushing units for all de-burring operations and oxide removal in a single pass.

    The units are composed by a series of vertical brushes, rotating at high speed (inverter controlled) which oscillate side-ways (adjustable rate). Combining the vertical axis rotation with high frequency oscillation achieves perfect de-burring in all directions within a single working unit.

    The XVS unit is ideal for a multitude of operations: de-burring, oxide removal, edge rounding, etc. The flexibility of the abrasive brush cups ensures a perfect burr removal even on up-formed parts. Other materials can be processed including: PVC protected, galvanized, pre-painted, zinc coated, etc.

    The adjustment of the working pressure is electronically controlled via the main panel. Small parts can be processed as the pressure units are very close to the brush units.

    The XVS units are extractable to allow an easy tool change and regular maintenance. They are prepared to operate with standard low-cost brush cups, as well as more specialised custom brushes.

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