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CM-508 DP (Digital Positioning) - Table area (L xW) 540 x 920 mm, max. width 508 mm; - Max./min. planing thickness 230 / 3 mm;
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- 230 x 125 mm moulding capacity; - Full coverage sound cover/safety enclosure; - 2m in-feed table and fence for straightening;
WINNER CM-303- table area (LxWxH) 2020x305x105 mm - Max. planing width 305 mm, table height 800 mm; - Fence slant 0~45°, cutterhead speed 5000 rpm, 3 blades;
A comprehensive all-in-one machine which represents outstanding value for the cabinet shop considering a Nested Based Manufacturing setup.
Woodfast Combination Machine
Strong cast-iron arms, available in two lenghts: standard and longer.
- 10 spindles 6~100 mm, table tilting 45°
Xcalibur 7180201 - Max. chisel range 19 mm, stroke 102 mm; - Timber capacity 305 mm wide;
- Min. length of stock 171 mm; - Max. width of stock 508 mm; - Thickness of stock 6 to 203 mm;
XCALIBUR 8410101 · SP150 - Cutting width 155 mm, cutting capacity depth 12 mm; - Cutter head speed 5000 rpm;